Finally, the UK gets the Brexit done, how it affects the trading relationship between the UK and India

India on the priority list for independent trade agreements

Yes finally the UK gets the Brexit done. It is indeed a new era for the country with new horizons ahead. PM Boris Johnson rightly said that no matter how the people voted now everyone has to work together to take the country towards new trade stature.

There are many countries with which the UK will want to settle deals fast through the sea and air cargo and India will be one of them. There will be a transition period until December 2020 and after that, the country will employ their rules and regulations.

Now the country can do trade agreements with other countries to make arrangements for the future. This transition period is going to be a blessing for the country. There is no abrupt pressure on the government to shape legislation for trade.

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Air Cargo

The only problem is that there is going to be a loss of that big part trade which the UK has to save. For sure there will be a plan formulated to get a favourable deal passed. The reason is that now the free trade agreement has ended with the EU and how this gap will be filled is going to be a major task.

The new Great ready to trade campaign

There are 18 cities on the target list and 13 countries where this campaign is going to be launched. The main goal is to spread the message around that this country is now free to do trade deals on its own. The idea is to hit the main cities like Mumbai in India.

In the first phase of this process, there will be an electronic advertisement in the signature areas of the targeted cities. After these things are going to spread through other activities. And surveys show that it is already a success.

Peace prosperity and friendship with all nations

This new slogan has appeared on the 50-pence coins that came into circulation after Brexit happened. This is a part of the celebrations the event is followed by. And it has a very well rounded message in it. Send Cargo To India From UK, Free Pick Up Service

So here we are now looking at a nation in which EU restrictions have ended and new perspectives are opening ahead. And Boris Johnson who was highly criticized for his ways of handling the matter has made it a success.

India-UK relation forecast

Even before the whole thing started the trade and other relations with each other were great. Even in the election campaign the present PM indicated that the trade relationship between the two countries will flourish better under the new status.

Some also think that India is going to have a stronger relationship from both the sides (EU and UK). So there is a great opportunity for the country. But there are problems inside India that are increasing continuously and if not dealt with care the trade side will also have a direct effect.

But as far as the UK is supporting the economy of India things are going to remain in favour. Boris Johnson is a very capable person to secure a favourable deal there will be good outcomes of the trade agreements.

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